There are 2 distinct problems when it comes to adult sports in the UAE; time and money. We know there are a lot of amazing athletes out there who would love to join a sport where they can show off their skills, have fun, and grow their personal network. At the same time, our supply needs to be met with the demand that we are trying to create.
To solve both problems has come up with a plan. All Adult Flag league players will be eligible to become certified American Flag Football trainers after only playing 1 season (16weeks). No boring courses or books to read; simply playing in our Adult League will give you enough experience to “Get Certified“. Once you are certified we can put you to work. You can get trained while having fun and making new friends.
There are two types of coaches that we are looking for: Adult Flag and our youth After-School program. If you are a personal trainer, businessman, college student, or even a parent looking to learn a new sport and make some extra income, with a couple hous of free time on Sunday, or during the week from 3pm-4pm, then we are looking for you.
PAF has over 20 years of experience playing and coaching American football at all different level, all over the world. We have put together a football licensing system to create modern and well-trained coaches for all levels. However this doesn’t stop at flag football; as the certifications get higher, other levels and forms of the game get brought in, such as position training and tackle football, which can open doors and lead to new opportunities. If you succeed, we succeed.
Flag football will for the first time be played as an olympic sport in the LA 2028 Olympics. This is the first time flag football has been in the Olympic games. Flag football is already sport that is played around the world, and the UAE is one of the last frontiers. It is only a matter of time before everyone wants in on this. So it’s best to get started right away. Be part of it!
Check out our Get Certified page for more details on how to become an American football coach and sign up at our Adult Flag page to join in on this exciting new adventure in the UAE!